

First row: 3mm 3kJ light gauss rifle 4.5mm 5kJ heavy gauss rifle Second row: 3mm 0.7kJ compact gauss pistol 4.5mm 1.5kJ magnum gauss pistol EM incendiary projector (gauss flamer) Third row: 5cm 3kJ light infantry laser   7.5cm 5kJ heavy infantry laser Bottom row:   1.25cm 0.7kJ compact hand laser   2.5cm 1kJ standard hand laser   3.75cm 1.5kJ magnum hand laser  (Example weapons shown produced by the Schilling & Campbell Arms Co. of Luna) By the 30th century, chemical propellant firearms have been rendered totally obsolete by vastly more efficient coilguns and lasers.  Coilguns: Electromagnetic mass drivers are the primary projectile weapon of the 30th century. High density batteries permit the propulsive energy for hundreds of shots worth of ammunition to be stored in a convenient belt or backpack module, while the bulky magnetic acceleration coils can provide a higher projectile velocity for a given barrel length than any traditiona...

Sabre-class Corvettes of the Martian Federal Navy

Shown: laser variant (left) missile variant (right) Sabre-class Corvettes Mass budget: Weapons: 30tons -4x 2.5ton laser turret (10tons) -4x 2.5ton coilgun turret (10tons) -1x 10ton laser or missile array Habitat and life support: 70tons -10organics for 360days -Provisions: 36tons -Habitation: 34tons Rocket-skiff: 30tons Scopes and comps: 10tons Structure: 90tons Engine: 45tons Radiators: 25tons 300ton dry mass 900tons propellant 1,200tons total Exhaust velocity, specific impulse and delta-V of my fictional rocket: Walk: 12km/s (1223s) - 16.6km/s delta-V Sprint: 8km/s (815s) - 11km/s delta-V Both variants of the Sabre-class corvette are armed with four laser turrets and four coilgun turrets in addition to their primary frontal armament. The pulsed laser turrets have an average output of 13.5MW, with a 50cm aperture and a frequency agile resonator permitting infrared to ultraviolet operation to ac...

FUTURE POWER SUPPLIES AND ELECTRICAL WEAPONS - From impracticality to superiority without exceeding the energy density of TNT!

I'm working on a future history project spanning the next thousand years, and I've had an interesting time working out the power supplies that will allow laser pistols and gauss rifles to eventually replace old style chemical slugthrowers. I wish to share my work for other writers who want to make their futuristic weapons a bit more realistic, or at least consistent. If my maths is wrong feel free to correct me. Modern power supplies are useless for the task - our capacitors dont provide enough joules and our batteries dont provide enough watts. Future power supplies may be able to solve this, but Routledge's Law claims that "Any interesting battery material for a laser gun would be more usefully deployed as an explosive warhead." I think that is based on the misconception that laser efficiency cannot improve beyond the present and that their only damage mechanism can be as a brute force "heat ray".  If Dr John Schilling and Dr Luke Campbell of Atomic Ro...


  A humble homemade Fetta, this time with no sign of contamination!
MY FIRST CHEESE - FAILURE it was supposed to be homemade feta - unfortunately it appears that my sanitisation procedure was inadequate as a pink mold appears to be forming on them    


Not only are they aesthetically pleasing but laser revolvers actually make a lot of sense.  The big obstacle to making a practical handheld laser weapon is not a lack of energy density in the beam itself (easily rectified by using nano/microsecond pulses rather than a continuous beam) or the energy density of power supplies but rather the low discharge rate of batteries.  The obvious solution is to use capacitors instead, since they can release their kilojoules of energy in a fraction of a second, much faster than any battery. No self-respecting space cowboy wants to be limited to just six shots, but this can be solved by connecting an external battery pack to the pistol by a cable to provide the capacitors with a recharge between shots.  And if concealment rather than ammo capacity is the priority rather, then you could forgo the external battery in favour of simply carrying some spare caps.

A Birb In My Garden

Yesterday i was in my garden and i saw a cute little visitor  I believe he is called a Blue-Faced Honeyeater Apologies for the blurry photos but i did not want to get too close lest i scare the poor fella off